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Hola! I'm Elizabeth Soroka. A self-taught, Figurative Expressionist, Surrealist, Mexican Folk Artist and Photographer...residing in the dusty little town of Tucson, Arizona, in the Southwest Sonoran Desert.  My parents were self-taught artists....My mother, a painter and my father, a pen and ink artist. I've been drawing and painting (and conjuring up wildly wonderful daydreams) since early childhood. My father gave me my first artset at the wee age of ten years old...and I was completely enthralled and enamored by everything held within  it for sure...

I was born in San Diego, California at the very tail-end of 1968 (Pluto in Virgo, Neptune in Scorpio....HeLLLO Don't fence me in, cosmic asto travelin' and Deep sea diving through the watery caves of the subconscious!). Pluto in the 8th House and Neptune in the 9th tightly conjunct the Midheaven....This explains a lot. At least to all us like-minded esoteric lovechildren swimming through the cosmos.x


My father was in the Navy, so my family moved, about every five years. From California to a little port town in Virginia, we lived here and there across the Midwest and coast to coast. Then eventually, came to Arizona where I've lived for over twenty years.


Tho my mother's Mexican heritage has effected me greatly, I grew up with very little sense of her rich culture in my childhood. My mother made our home focused on my father's Midwestern roots. He was half German, a quarter English and a quarter Irish. A small town, Americana sorta guy, but an expansive thinker, dreamer and avid reader. The only time I experienced my mother's culture was when we went back  home, to San Diego to see her family. It was SO was Colorful. It was ALIVE. The atmosphere and vibration around my mother's native Spanish-speaking family was exciting and alluring. It held an ancient magic and mystery that I never realized existed within myself until I reached my young adult years. Us kids were so far removed from that part of us, that it never even occurred to us that we looked the least bit Hispanic. So outside of those trips, my mother's culture was all but nonexistant. Nevertheless, I always had a draw to the Southwest and to the Latin culture. My Aunt Flavia, used to tell me that I belonged in the desert....she'd say it inna predictive, knowing way. When the women in my mother's family spoke of things, it always held a secret awareness, an implicit subterranean truth. They had a cosmic connection to a beautiful underground river. Once it flowed up from my subconscious, to my conscious mind, I was hooked. It was so familiar, natural and captivating to me. As if I was being told something that I knew all along, but just never had words for it.


So my move to Tucson, is where the seed that had been laying dormant in me finally sprung leaves and eventually blossomed. Who we truly are under all our layers, eventually reveals itself....all in it's own good time for sure.

So I'm a painter and photographer...a 'creator of things' I used to say. I have sucha intrinsic, driving desire to make what's around me beautiful and alive. But it's a bit more than just creating beautiful things...'s looking for meaning in it all, then uncovering what's truly hiding under the obvious. Where you discover a bigger, deeper truth...and as always, more questions, more curiosity, more ponderings. This chick just LIVES for ponderings. I'm just gonna say it.

Along with looking for cosmic answers and posing unending questions...the nexus of my art is my innate motivation to release emotional honesty, and from that, create a feeling that leads to a reaction...A thought that leads to a wonder...

It's planting seeds, really. It's a wish to introduce a different perspective you might not of seen before. An invitation to get up from where you normally sit and have a look around from a brand new shiny spot.

Color, and evocative images that sting the eyes with it's form and very sight turns me on. I dig suggestion, and parts of things....catching glimpses. The moment when you get a glance of something that makes you wanna see more and know more. Itsa deep longing really. I suppose I'm also a creator of longings. Seeing the whole of something, having all of something, is the ultimate goal. I'm more the seed planter of lovely meditations and lovely ideas, giving thoughts to what lies under it all. Our ancient yearnings to catch sight of all the secrets of the universe, the in's and out's of the human psyche...the unspoken things that are perhaps too sensitive, too personal...too vulnerable. All that 8th House esoteric Plutonian  secret and WILDLY VAST subterranean  riverflow of just Aaahhhh.........


Yup, it's definitely what puts the air in my lungs.

In all that, I offer an empathetic, lovingkind, invitation to acknowledge parts of yourself that have always been there, but just been hiding. Give me subtle or stark glimpses of dreamstates, erotic longings, reflections of who we are on the spirit level under flesh and bone. Life is about our individual expression (art) of those innumerable facets that we take through our amazing journey on this little Earthplane. Our joy, our anger, our quiet despair and tearful devastations....our rapturous desires and sometimes our delicate neediness. The guarded desperation that we all feel now and again. Them Heartthings, Soulthings and so-beautiful-under-it-all, Lovethings. When it comes from the heart, all passion-filled, witha true honesty, it never fails to light me up every day of the week.

...and when it comes to photography...I snap fotos just because the sight of it stings my eyes in some way, traveling nicely to the spirit. It calls out something lovely to me, no doubt. And I happily come to discover later, that within that sight, was also meaning...and beauty...and uniqueness. It's standoutish and bright-shining...Lika quiet prayerful honor to Neptune God of the Sea, before you venture into the water. The splendor in the unexpected, and always those delicate glimpses of just caught moments, makes my Heart soar profoundly....and that also puts the very air in my lungs for sure....xo

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